miércoles, 14 de octubre de 2020

Laguna de las Lomas

 Hoy quiero mostrar una visita que hicimos este domingo al lago de las Lomas, y las Agujas de Cardaño. Primero decir que es una ruta fácil si se es una persona que camina con frecuencia. 

La ruta para nosotros tenia el aliciente de ver aves de montaña. Se pueden ver casi todas las aves que habitan la montaña, pero en esta época las aves son muy erráticas y puede que no veas nada.

Nosotros vimos, Buitre leonado, Chovas, Cuervos, una bandada de Perdiz pardilla, y Bisbita alpina.

Este es el Lago de las Lomas, es un lago Glacial. Esta debajo de las Agujas de Cardaño.

Estas son las Agujas de Cardaño
Esta es la subida al lago, a la izquierda se ve el torrente que forma el desagüe natural del lago.
En estas praderías vimos al grupo de Perdiz pardilla
Bisbita alpino

También estaba este Mirlo acuático, un chico duro, con lo frio que estaba el agua.

Pero este lago guarda unos anfibios extraordinarios, el Tritón alpino-Ivhthysaura alpestris.

Esto fue todo lo que dio de si la ruta. Gracias y un saludo

martes, 13 de octubre de 2020

Chorlitejo grande-charadrius hiaticula

 Esta es la historia de un pequeño ave, que fue anillado en Noruega, y visto por un servidor en el pantano de Aguilar de Campoo.

Este chorlitejo grande fue visto en el pantano de Aguilar el 03-10-2020, 15 días antes fue anillado en Noruega, recorrió 2025 km, llego imagino que cansado, pues se dejo acercar bastante. Pero llegaron un grupo de "gilipollas", en motos , hicieron sus acostumbrados derrapes y el pobre chorlitejo no pudo descansar.

e Norwegian Common Ringed Plover-project,

c/o Kjell Mork Soot,

Hareidsvegen 234,

N-6060 Hareid,



                                                                                                Hareid, Norway 09.10.2020                                                        


Juan Manuel Aguado  Marcos,


(Email: 1571jm@gmail.com)



Thank you very much for taking the time to report to us details of the sighting of a flagged Ringed Plover (Charadrius  hiaticula). Information about this bird and its movement is given below:


Ring no : Stavanger 8B97365

Yellow flag  J89 ( Left tarsus :  metal .  Left tibia red colour ring. Right tibia yellow  flag  engraved with three black letters J89).    :LAR:LBM:RAYN(J89)F

Age/sex/ biometric:  1K (hatched 2020). Wing:125 mm . Weight: - g

Ringing date: 18.09.2020, 00  hrs (at night).

Ringing place: Jomfruland lok2 (58*52'30''N-009*36'21''E) Kragerø, Telemark, Norway.

Remarks: Caught by dazzling light.

Ringer: Ola Nordsteien / Jomfruland BO.



Finding date: 03.10.2020

Observed: Aguilar de Campoo  (42*47'40''N-004*15'32''W) Palencia, SPAIN

Distance : 2025 km SSW. Direction: 214 deg. Time: 0-0-15 (15 days  after ringing.).

Remarks : Photodocumented.

Observer:  Juan Manuel Aguado Marcos, Spain. P(Email: 1571jm@gmail.com)


Thank you very much for the information!


If you notice any errors in the information, please inform us about your corrections.


This information will be sent to Ringing Centre, Stavanger Museum, Norway   and Ringing Centre, Madrid, Spain and  Aranzadi.



We are colour ringing waders and passerines in Norway and at Svalbard. The projects are mentioned below. Email  co-ordinator:kjellmorksoot@fugler.com


Colourringing in Norway:

 From season 2014 there is a collaboration between Sunnmøre Ringing Group (Giske Ornithological Station ) (located in northwestern Norway, 62*30'29''N-006*01'37''E)  & Maletangen OS (62*58'11''N-007*03'16''E), both stations run by Sunnmøre RG. - Revtangen  Ornithological Station (located in southwestern Norway, 58*45N-005*29E) and Jomfruland Bird Station (located in southeastern Norway, 58*52N-009*36E). Lista Bird Station  (58*06'33''N-006*34'07''E) collaborate for some passerines. In the next years the collaboration may increase.



 Yellow flag on right tibia (3 black digits)  and red marker ring on left tibia:

We hope of course, that you will look for flagged Common Ringed Plover (Charadrius hiaticula), Dotterel (Charadrius morinellus), Golden Plover (Pluvialis apricaria),  Grey Plover (Pluvialis squatarola), Curlew Sandpiper (Calidris ferruginea), Purple Sandpiper (Calidris maritima),  Common Sandpiper (Actitis hypoleuca) and  Bar-tailed Godwit (Limos lapponica)  in the future ! All these species have metal ring on left tarsus, red colour ring on left tibia and yellow flag on right tibia engraved with 3 black letters /numbers.


 Yellow flag on right tibia (3 black digits)  and red marker ring on left tibia:

Revtangen OS  (Stavanger Museum - Ringing Centre-email:birdringing@museumstavanger.no) has the the last seasons started the following four projects: Green Sandpiper (Tringa ochropus), Wood Sandpiper (Tringa glareola), Greenshank (Tringa nebularia) and Spotted Redshank (Tringa erythropus). All projects : Metal ring: left tarsus.Left tibia: red , plain ring. Right tibia: Yellow flag with 3 black  letters engraved.



Little Stint (Calidris minuta): Metal ring on left tarsus. Red cr-ring above the metal ring. Right tarsus: Yellow ring engraved with 3 black letters.


Common Redshank (Tringa totanus): Metal ring on left tarsus. Yellow colour ring on left tibia. Orange flag engraved with 3 black letters right tibia.


Curlew (Numenius arquata) (mostly pullus): Metal ring on left tarsus. Orange plain ring on left tibia. On right tibia orange ring with 3 black letters engraved.


 Ruff (Philomachus pugnax): Metal ring on left tarsus. Orange ring on left tibia. Lime (light green) flag on right tibia with 3 black letters engraved.





Rock Pipit (Anthus petrosus), Pied Wagtail (Motacilla alba), Waxwing (Bombycilla garrulus), Wheatear (Oenanthe oenanthe), Whinchat (Saxicola rubetra), Stonechat (Saxicala torquata) and Grashopper Warbler (Locustella naevia) with yellow ring engraved with 3 black letters on right tarsus and metal ring on left tarsus.  Rock Pipit:  The yellow rings are soon used.We therefore have started to use (dark) green rings engraved with 3   white letters or 1  number and 2 letters.We have also started  to use orange colour ring engraved with 3 black letters / numbers, too.


Dipper (Cinclus cinclus) and Ring Ouzel (Turdus torquatus): lime(light green) ring engraved with 3 black letters on right tarsus, metal ring on left tarsus.




Svalbard (Arctic Ocean): Longyearbyen Feltbiologiske Forening (LoFF) / Norsk Polarinstitutt (NP) in colloboration with Sunnmøre Ringing Group: 

At Svalbard (Artic Ocean) we flag Purple Sandpiper (Calidris maritima):

a) Longyearbyen: Metal left tarsus, orange ring left tibia and lime (light green) flag with 3 black letters engraved on right tibia.

b) Longyearbyen: Metal left tarsus, orange ring left tibia and (dark) green flag with 3 white letters on right tibia.

c) Sørkappøya (South Cape Island):  Metal left tarsus, yellow ring on left tibia, and orange flag with 3 black letters engraved on right tibia.


Dunlin (Caladris alpina) and Red (Grey) Phalarope (Phalaropus fulicarius): Left tarsus metal ring. Left tibia orange ring. Right tibia orange flag with 3 black letters engraved. Some of the Phalaropes have geolocator (white or green) on left tibia instead of the orange cr-ring.


Common Ringed Plover (Charadrius hiaticula) : Left tarsus metal ring. Yellow marker ring on left tibia, and orange flag engraved with 3 black letters on right tibia.


Pectoral Sandpiper (Calidris melanotos): A few pairs are breeding at Svalbard. Until now one bird is flagged : metal ring left tarsus. Orange marker ring left tibia. Right tibia: (dark) green flag engraved with one white  number and two letters.



CR Birding can be difficult to search for birds with multiple colour rings. CR-Birding is also missing many schemes, or changes to schemes have not been updated. The database for all waders in the East Atlantic Flyway is at www.waderstudygroup.org. This database can be searched by filtering. The database is constantly updated.



If you are interested to see photos etc from Longyearbyen, Svalbard www.LoFF.biz . It is members of LoFF (Longyearben Feltbiologiske Forening) who are ringing / flagging Purples and other waders at Svalbard. More about our projects you also find in www.svalbardbirds.com/Sorkappoya/sorkappoya.htm . The recoveries from our projects you can find in http://sunnmoererg.wordpress.com/63/ .


Sunnmøre Ringing Group has had a website, www.fugler.com . We now work with a new website,   unfortunately written only in Norwegian. There you find all recoveries we have received, what species we are ringing, etc. Your recovery will be updated in short time  at this website:http://sunnmoererg.wordpress.com/63/


The Italian website www.crb-photoguide.com show more than 2000 photos of colour marked birds in Europe, also from our projects. Unfortunately it is not updated for a while.


A Norwegian website http://www.ringmerking.no/cr/  process other colour ringing projects in Norway.




Yours sincerely,

Kjell Mork Soot

Gracias y esto ha sido todo

martes, 6 de octubre de 2020

Embalse de Aguilar de Campoo

 Están entrando algunos Limícolas. Pocos pero bueno, por lo menos algo vemos.

                                                                  Correlimos menudo

Correlimos común

Correlimos menudo-Calidris minuta

Este Correlimos menudo, nos visito el 3 de octubre, en el embalse de Aguilar de Campoo


jueves, 1 de octubre de 2020

Pantano del Ebro II

 Esta entrada es continuación de la anterior del pantano del Ebro. No deja de dar sorpresas.

                                                                       Archibebe común

Correlimos común

Espátula común
Flamenco común